Darwin Animal Doctors


The Thailand team’s adventure away from home

Last week, our team in Thailand spent the week in a resort; not for relaxation, but to help out a small community of dogs.

Some distance outside of the town of Koh Tao, there is a resort where approximately 12 dogs roam freely. The compassionate owner has been feeding and looking after the dogs however he could. Since finding out that the team have been in Thailand, the kind owner wanted to do the best possible for all the dogs and contacted Jae, the local veterinarian. He told Jae that as he lived far from the city, and the dogs he cared for where stray, it would not be possible to bring all the dogs into the Darwin Animal Doctors clinic to be sterilized. So the team packed some bags, jumped in a car sent by the resort, and travelled on over.


Once arrived, the team set up in the resort’s covered car parking area. Some of the dogs were used to the resort workers and were easily approachable. Others were more afraid and so Nai (the team’s local champion dog catcher and all-around support) would have to find and catch the dogs with a blow dart. The team were brought a number of dogs; among them, a little of younger puppies – 5 in total. After two days, the team had caught and sterilized 13 dogs from the resort.


That evening, the team packed up and were back to the town to continue their work in the field clinic.

Thank you to the Thailand team, and our amazing Thai counterparts, for the ingenuity and hard work to ensure that every animal on the island can have access to veterinary care.


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