Darwin Animal Doctors


Oreo has a sleep over with the vets

Santa Cruz, Galapagos

Oreo is a 3-year old male cat that has had problems with urinary obstruction a number of times. An uncomfortable and painful condition, if left untreated, urinary obstructions can also become life threatening. As the urine contains toxins that the body is trying to get rid of, if the urine can’t leave the body these toxins begin to accumulate in the blood.

Oreo has seen the Doctors multiple times over the past years for this same condition. The team and Oreo’s dedicated owner have tried everything possible to treat the chronic condition. However, despite all the best attempts, Oreo would only ever get better for shorter periods of time. Lately, those periods of health were getting shorter and shorter. The Doctors were now left with no other option but to do a urethrostomy (a penis amputation) which would then create a bigger opening to reduce the risk of obstructions.

The surgery it not an easy one. It is a very delicate procedure, requiring extreme concentration and precision in every movement. To ensure the greatest care, Dr. Stella and Dr. Justin performed the surgery together with the support of Dr. Kat.


After the surgery, Oreo remained a hospitalized patient for a few days to make sure that he recovered as expected. Such a sweet and loving cat, Oreo gained the affections of Dr. Stella very quickly. For the time that he remained in the clinic, Dr. Stella and Dr. Justin would take Oreo back to their apartment in the evenings so that he could sleep comfortably in their bed.


Thanks to a successful surgery (and the extra love and care), Oreo improved greatly and has had no issues so far. He has since been able to return home to his family, but will return to the clinic regularly over the coming weeks for check ups.



Left untreated, Oreo’s condition can become fatal. Many animals die from treatable conditions due to a lack of veterinary care.
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