Darwin Animal Doctors


Building Education.

We are so excited to share the year ahead with you all!

Firstly, we want to share the effectiveness of our education program in Sumatra from the past year. The results speak for themselves. We are so proud of our local partner, Sumatra Sapo Zuma Zuma, with whom we have been creating rainforest school classes and implementing rainforest restoration, in a heavily palm oil farmed region. We have been interviewing palm oil farmers there, to see what changes they will be making a year since our program was implemented. We are thrilled to see that farmers are now planning to end the planting of palm oil trees, and instead will grow sustainable fruit trees!

Click here for a YouTube video of one of our community’s farmers explaining their end to palm oil farming:

A local Sumatran farmer

Our partner Sapo Zuma Zuma has also begun compiling data from the past year about our collaborative rainforest school, to discover how effective our education and Youth Rangers initiatives have been in enhancing the lives of children in this UNESCO Site community.

Our friends in Sapo Zuma Zuma compile data on our collaborative children's education program

Our local Sumatran partner team shirt

We’re excitedly awaiting more results and look forward to sharing it with you soon! Thanks to your support, we are helping to transform Sumatra and stop the deforestation devastating the community!

-Tod and Piggy, Presidents, Darwin Animal Doctors

Piggy and Friend Gazing at the Camera

Cute Piggy photo (and probably a band photo) of the week!


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