Darwin Animal Doctors


Planting trees to Save Wild Sumatra!

Sumatra, Indonesia

And the work continues! Darwin Animal Doctors is continually working with and supporting various active organisations in Sumatra to help Save Wild Sumatra.

As many of you know, a team from Darwin Animal Doctors were in Sumatra for a month at the end of last year to begin with implementing educational programs to teach local children about the importance of caring for the amazing rainforest in the region. Since then, we have continued working with schools to  improve the initial programs, and have also begun working with various other groups who are working to protect the endangered forest, and the animals that live within it.

Recently, Darwin Animal Doctors teamed up with a wonderfully active group, Stay Wild, to run a tree planting event in Sumatra. The day was aimed at teaching children about the importance of the forest and the role that trees play. Children learned to value nature and begun to understand the immensely important role that it plays in our lives and the lives of animals around them.



Alongside an amazing educational effort, the team planted 70 trees to help fight the fast-reducing forest. The day was a great success and the children really loved the experience.

A huge shout-out goes to our partners at Stay Wild who put a lot of planning in to make this day such a success!




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