Darwin Animal Doctors


Global COVID-19 Campaign

We are all very much aware of the global crisis affecting us all currently. Many of us are in isolation or lockdown, and not one of us could have escaped hearing news of the life-changing impacts of COVID-19.

But all over the world our local partners are working tirelessly to combat the damage of COVID-19, stop it’s spread, and stop the spread of other zoonotic diseases.

We’re launching the DAD Global COVID-19 Campaign! Helping to fight the fight to save countless lives.


So what are our partners doing?

In Morocco, RAPAD-Maroc are doing an incredible job taking care of abandoned farm animals. Their new campaign ‘Sheep Shepherds’ are looking after newly abandoned sheep, which were being attacked in the streets by newly abandoned dogs as people feared catching the virus from their domestic animals.

Abandoned sheep, Morocco


In Indonesia, ISCP helps fight the spread of zoonotic diseases like COVID-19 by stopping the illegal wildlife market and wildlife trafficking, limiting the human contact with these wild animals. We need their work now more than ever.

Rescued Slow Loris


In Ecuador, our amazing vets will be giving a free webinar on April 9th about COVID-19.

Equador Sloth


In the USA, our amazing seamstress and plush toy maker is making stylish face masks to donate to healthcare workers in the Northwest!

Rescued Stylish Face Masks


So here’s that link again where you can support our local partners in their fight against this global pandemic:


Without you, none of this amazing work would be possible, so now, more than ever we want to give you an enormous thank you! Thank you so much! And stay safe wherever you are.


-Tod and Piggy, Presidents, Darwin Animal Doctors


And, of course, Cute Piggy image of the week:

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