Darwin Animal Doctors



Santa Cruz, Galapagos

One evening, while the Doctors were sitting and having dinner, a neighbour came into the clinic, calling for a veterinarian. The Doctors all stopped what they were doing and ran downstairs to help.

Cooper had a lump in his throat, a small wound on his face and was panting very badly. The poor pup had been hit by a car. The lump in his throat had been there some time, the Doctors soon discovered, but Cooper’s face needed some attention.


Dr Daphne and the team cleaned the wounds on Cooper’s face, and stitched up those that needed some extra help healing. He was given some antibiotics and pain killers as the team stayed by his side, making sure that he would soon relax and his breathing would return to normal. A little while later, Cooper had calmed down after the shock from his accident passed, and the little pup was able to go home.


Dr Daphne asked Cooper’s family to please return in a few days so that the team could make sure he was healing well.

Cooper has since returned and is looking much better. His face has cleared up nicely and the little pup is spritely and back to normal!


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