It is that time of year again, where we are brought into that strange balance of being quite saddened, and very excited – all at the same time.
As September comes to an end, it becomes time to say goodbye to our amazing team in Galapagos, as Dr. Daphne and Sacha finish up their six months with us. We are also very excited to be welcoming our new vet, Dr. Alejo; a dedicated and motivated vet, who has donated much of his time to protect the animals and unique ecosystem of Ecuador. We are so excited to have Dr. Alejo with us in the Galapagos, to help protect one of his nation’s greatest treasures! Check back in with us soon as we catch up with Dr. Alejo after his first week in Galapagos.
But first, we want to take a moment to thank Sacha and Dr. Daphne for all their incredible work over the last six months. This Dynamic Duo has been a true blessing to the Darwin Animal Doctors’ team, and will be sorely missed.
Dr. Daphne is a down-to-earth, no nonsense, incredibly talented vet. One of many volunteer experiences, Daphne has truly dedicated her skills and knowledge to helping the less fortunate animals – those without a voice, and those in need. It has been an inspiration to us all to hear and experience those times that Dr. Daphne would go above and beyond to help a sick animal. From the time she stayed throughout the night in the clinic, to wake every half hour to comfort Cosita and calm her back to sleep, to the time she came rushing back into the clinic at 6:30am on a Saturday to help Nessi give birth. Dr. Daphne has spend countless weekends in the clinic, staying through the day to monitor a patients’ progress (like with Rex), arriving extra early to the clinic to check on a patient (just like with Bonny), and running back to the clinic late in the evening to make sure an animal would have the help they need (lucky for Blacky). Dr. Daphne does not just work as a vet, but truly dedicates her life to her profession; caring for animals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Alongside all the cases, and all the animals that she has helped, Dr. Daphne has trained and supported 37 volunteers who have come through the clinic during her time. It seems almost impossible that one person could have done so much; and it kind of is…
Standing right beside Dr. Daphne, and providing invaluable support over the last six months, has been Sacha; Galapagos’ onsite Clinic Coordinator. “Clinic Coordinator” is the simple title we give to someone who is actually clinic photographer, clinic writer, clinic reporter, clinic volunteer support and organizer, clinic generally support, surgical support, clinic campaign organizer and clinic education support. It goes almost without saying, Sacha’s commitment to supporting the Darwin Animal Doctors’ team in every way, has been inspiring, and has allowed the clinic to do more over the last six months than ever before. With such unfaultering support, the Darwin Animal Doctors’ team was able to support ABG in three campaigns on various islands, as well as run an education/sterilization campaign in the highlands.
As well as her dedication to the clinic and its team, Sacha has always been the first to jump in to give a patient that extra TLC they need to help get themselves back to health. Sacha has walked around with Peiton in a backpack to make sure he stayed upright to help him digest, kept Oso by her side when he was too scared to be alone, helped the puppies of Nessi take their first breath, comforted the family of Lucky as he went into surgery, and has been there every time that Dr. Daphne or the team were needed out of hours to help an animal in need.
Thank you both for six months of 100% dedication, and for always going above and beyond to help us protect the unique and fragile ecosystem of the Galapagos Islands. From everyone here at Darwin Animal Doctors, from all our volunteers, and all our patients and members of the Galapagos community; Thank you!