Darwin Animal Doctors


Archive: Sep 2021

  1. Over the past months, we have been able to continue to send regular donations to partners around the world. Thanks to the continued generosity of our donors, we have been making a great impact in Tanzania and Brazil.

    In Tanzania, as well as continuing his frequent rescues, Ismael has been able to get vaccinations and sterilisation to a group of neighborhood dogs in the past month.

    In Brazil, Paula also continues with her adorable rescues. The donation sent in August has provided food and, again, much needed vaccinations to the rescued pups.

    To be able to continue to support these amazing people, helping these amazing animals, we do rely on donations for you wonderful people, so we would like to say thank you for your contribution too!


    We look forward to sharing more exciting stories soon!


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  2. Program Progress in Nairobi

    After successful completion of the training program in July, our partners in Africa were eager to get underway and pass their new knowledge and skills on to their own students.

    The Precious Cornerstone Academy in Nairobi has been running the program with their students throughout August and have been making amazing progress.


    The sessions have been very physical and fun, using drama and music in the learning. They’ve been litter picking, making notebooks and eco bricks out of recycled materials, and of course, learning the fundamentals of what it means to be a ranger.

    It’s been absolutely brilliant seeing the children working together and seeing them so committed to the program. They will soon be paired with rangers from the national park so they can learn more about the importance of protecting their natural environment! We can’t wait to share more of their progress! They look like they’re having so much fun!

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